National Veterans Legal Services Program

NVLSP is a nonprofit veterans service organization staffed by attorneys with more than four decades of experience helping veterans obtain the VA disability benefits they deserve, at no cost.

This questionnaire was developed to help veterans and their advocates identify the VA disability benefits to which they may be entitled. Survey questions enable users to determine the specific disability benefits claims that should be filed with the VA.

Note that the questionnaire covers claims for service connection and non-service-connected pension benefits only. It will not assist veterans with claims for an increase in disability ratings the VA has already assigned for disabilities connected to military service; benefits based on claims previously filed with the VA; or benefits for disabilities that are the result of VA health care, VA vocational rehabilitation or participation in a VA Compensated Work Therapy program.

After completing the questionnaire, we recommend that veterans discuss the results with a knowledgeable advocate who can provide guidance about the necessary forms and evidence needed to win identified benefits for which the veteran should apply. Before beginning, please consider the following:

  • We expect this survey will take 10-20 minutes.

  • For best results, have basic information available about your military service (DD Form 214) and your medical conditions.

  • Have copies of any prior VA decisions or VA communications available.

  • To protect your privacy, the application does not store data. Therefore, we recommend that you use the email or print option at the end of the survey to obtain a copy of your results.

Please contact us at if you encounter a problem or have any questions regarding the questionnaire.
© 2025 National Veterans Legal Services Program. All rights reserved.